Our projects

BC 6 OPTIMA – Sweden
Domestic WWTP with UV disinfection for 6 PE
Year of installation: 2018
Client: Household in Sweden

Pilot project at Chiang Mai University, Thailand – BC 6 EXCLUSIVE UV and BC 6
MBR ULTIMATE technology in ISO container
Year of instalation: 2018
Client: business partner from Thailand

WWTP for a fish farm in Norway
The plant is located above ground, in a square free-standing PP container. Ittreats sewage produced by the fish farm staff. This biological wastewater treatment plant works on the principle of low-load activation with complete aerobic sludge stabilization, just like other standard BC Biocleaner models.
Year of installation: 2020
Client: fish farm in Norway

Water recycling in an apartment building – Sweden
A unique project located in the central part of Kivik – Sweden.It has its own solar park, wastewater treatment plant and heating pumps, located between large apple alleys and approximately 200 m from Hanöbukten Bay, which flows into the Baltic Sea. Wastewater from 32 households is treated and reused for irrigating and flushing toilets with the help of WWTP with BC 80 MBR membrane technology,sorption on granular activated carbon WG 12 and UV disinfection.
Year of installation: 2017
Client: the city of Kivik, Sweden

1st BC 6 OPTIMA in Chile
In 2020 ENVI-PUR managed to acquire a new business partner from Chile. The first BC 6 OPTIMA was installed in the city of Botalcura, about 300 km south of Santiago de Chile. This Region is known for draughts and the shortage of water in summer. Treated water here serves for grass and trees irrigation.
Year of installation: 2020
Client: family from Chile